Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well now that Valentine's Day is over :(( It is time to get excited about SPRING TIME and of course my favorite time of the year EASTER. I always look forward to this time of the year to really reflect on my life. Easter is a perfect time of the year to do that. With Lent season right around the corner, I look forward to looking deep into my heart and life and thank our lord Jesus Christ for all of the blessings he has given me as well as to look at what he gave up to enable me to have what I have. Have you ever thought what our world would be like if Jesus never came? What our world would be like today-we would be in a never ending war with each other. You think it is bad now. Honestly I know, I probably would of never have been born if Jesus never came.
People would have been to busy FIGHTING with each other insteading of LOVING each other. Leave a comment of what you think your life would of been like without our Lord Jesus. It may give you a opportunity to stop for a moment and reflect on all of your blessings he had given you. It may even inspire someone else.

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  1. Jenny -
    I just totally got the chills reading this post! I wanted to comment because I really believe that everything I am, everything I have and everything - good and bad - that I have and will ever experience is becasue of Jesus Christ.

    Without Him - I think I would be lost - really chasing after all things to try to fill the void - but because of Jesus - I can say that I will always be happy because I have eternity!

    You are amazing!

  2. Dear Jen,

    Amen! You and your family are one of my blessings!!

    Love, Rose


Thanks for your comment:))))