Saturday, June 06, 2009


I recently read a blog post from a friend who in certain ways is in the same boat as me - juggling many different responsibilities . She shared how she felt like she was “All or Nothing” in her life. That is actually the name of her blog post. Some days she is very motivated and some days she doesn’t want to do what she set out to do. She said that she over-plans, over-thinks and that she really needs balance in her life.
I can tell you that I can TOTALLY relate to her post in many areas of my life too . I really think that many of us Home Moms are in the same exact boat and we feel like the lady in the picture above.
I tend to be that way sometimes too. But I think there are times where we just get tired. If you are putting out all of your energy for 2 days straight then you are bound to have a day where you feel like doing nothing. And it is ok. We are moms of small children, business owners, ministry leaders, etc - VERY BUSY LADIES. There will be times that we need to just DO NOTHING. And because we are motivated and determined, we tend to feel guilty when those times happen. But I really think we should take the lull when we just don’t feel like doing what we had planned and just accept it and even try to enjoy it.
It really all comes down to balance. I have always had a hard time with this one. I do try though by staying organized in my home, keeping a schedule, and writing a very in depth to do list. These things really help me. But there are times when I get off track and try to do more than I should in one day and then the next day I crash. I think God is just telling us to slow down and take the time to seek Him before we go off doing things our own way all the time.
He should be our number one focus. And man is that hard when kids, work home, husband, church, friends, Internet, social media, and everything in between is FIGHTING for that attention.
I think accountability is key though. Reaching out and sharing how you feel is so important. It is a release and it brings freedom so that the next time this comes up you can look back and remember how you felt when you wrote this post and those that commented on the post sharing with you in your frustration and walking with you towards a better strategy.
So, let’s pray for each other that we can both stop doing too much and start seeking God on a moment by moment basis that He would be the guide for what we should be doing and how we should be doing it. Take the time to whisper a prayer when we feel overwhelmed or unmotivated. He longs for our attention. He desires for us to come to Him and lean on Him. He is sitting beside us and watching and waiting for us to stop being so BUSY and to come and rest at His feet.

Wow, just reading that again fills my heart up. It’s as if God is speaking directly to me. It is just crazy how busy I have gotten over the past months. I hardly have time for myself let alone GOD. As much as I try to put Him first, He always winds up on the back burner. I can see Him now, patiently waiting for me. No judgement, no disappointment, just total unconditional love for me. Isn’t that amazing?

I just feel so blessed that God got my attention through a blog post and through my own post. He meets us right where we are with open arms. Wow!
So, how about you? Have you been feeling like you need more balance in your life? Are you an All or Nothing person? Are you juggling a million different things at once and about to CRASH from sheer exhaustion? Please feel free to share. Sometimes it is good to get it out.
I love you all dearly! Thanks so much for reading my blog and being my blog friends

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1 comment:

  1. great post thanks for sharing...that is me I will be on it for like 2 days then dead on the 3rd. I have my good days and my bad but thank you for reminding me that it's ok to have my bad "don't want to do anything days"


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